The Society of Connecticut Sculptors was founded in 1992 in the studio of Jack Yerkes in Tarriffville, CT with 18 members. The idea of forming a Connecticut based group for the advancement of figurative sculpture was the brainchild of Professor Lloyd Glasson. Over the years the range of subject matter, style and materials has expanded considerably – from traditional human figures to a much broader spectrum.

OUR MISSION Today we stride to stimulate increased interest in sculpture by making this art form accessible to a wide audience through juried shows and events.
We offer professional and amateur artists the opportunity to exhibit their work and to participate in workshops. We provide a platform for artists to exchange ideas and experience the diversity of creative talent in this field of art.
As a member, you have the opportunity to be invited to be featured on our website, as well as having a listing/link to your own website on our members page.
The Society of Connecticut Sculptors is a 501 C-3 nonprofit organization.
Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by the law.
ARTISTS The Society continues to grow and we are proud to include in our membership a number of nationally recognized sculptors as well as students and other aspiring artists. Our social activities, workshops and lectures provide us with opportunities to meet with, share ideas and derive inspiration from other members.
EXHIBITIONS The Society currently plans on hosting 2-3 gallery shows this year at various locations throughout the state. This gives our members a wonderful opportunity to show and sell their artwork. The Society also participates in combined shows with other arts organizations from time to time. (The SCS does not take commissions for the sale of work.)
LECTURES This year, we are planning several educational Lectures and Events. Please see the Calendar of Events for details. Past events have included a visit to the St. Gaudens National Historic Site in New Hampshire, a tour of a major arts foundry in New York and a guided tour of the memorial monuments in the Cedar Hill Cemetery in Hartford. Other educational events have included discussions by internationally recognized artists and demonstrations by manufacturers of artists’ materials.